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PCSWCD Wood Duck Workshop

  • USDA Service Center - Pine Crest Business Park 42 Engdahl Drive Dover-Foxcroft, Maine 04426 (map)


Joanna Tarrazi

Executive Director


Katherine Weber

Educational Coordinator


Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District

USDA Service Center

42 Engdahl Drive

Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04426

Phone:  (207) 564-2321, Extension 3

The Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District (PCSWCD) will hold an educational workshop on wood duck nesting ecology on Saturday, March 15th, 2014 from 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM.  This is a two-part workshop – a classroom session followed by a hands-on field demonstration, and is an ideal workshop for anyone interested in wetland ecology.

The classroom presentation will be held at the USDA Service Center building in the Pine Crest Business Park, 42 Engdahl Drive, Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04426. During the classroom session, workshop participants will have a chance to learn about the habitat and food needs of wood ducks, golden eyes and hooded mergansers. Presenters will cover why it is important to aid the ducks by offering them a place to nest and raise young. Scott McLellan, a wildlife biologist from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, and Gordon Moore, Piscataquis County district forester for the Maine Forest Service, will present information and will be available to answer questions.

After the classroom discussion, the group will travel to a local wetland area to monitor and explore existing wood duck boxes, construct a new baffle and place a new box. As the snow is still quite deep, wear your boots and/or your snowshoes for this fun and educational expedition into the wetland!

The PCSWCD will be holding a drawing at the workshop to give away a wood duck box building kit to one lucky workshop participant! The PCSWCD also has wood duck box kits available year round for purchase.

If you or your group would like to join us and learn more about these beautiful native birds, please call (207) 564-2321 extension 3, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Preregistration is requested, and there is a suggested donation of $10/person to attend this workshop. For more information about any of our educational workshops, please contact us at the phone number above or email us anytime at

Later Event: March 18
MAPSS Annual Meeting