Wood Frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) congress
Credit: Tim Forrester, Eco Analysts
Freshwater bryozoans
Taken during a freshwater mussel survey on Powder Mill Pond in Peterborough, NH. Freshwater bryozoans are fairly common and are found in warm water lakes, streams, and rivers usually attached to submerged sticks. It is a living organism composed of a colony of zooids which are filter feeding creatures.
Credit: Ashley Leen, Kleinschmidt Associates
Freshwater bryozoans
Credit: Ashley Leen, Kleinschmidt Associates

Freshwater sponges
Taken during a freshwater mussel survey on the Contoocook River in Peterborough, NH. Freshwater sponges are typically found in clear, well-oxygenated lakes and rivers.
Credit: Ashley Leen, Kleinschmidt Associates

Red salamander (Psuedotriton ruber)
This little guy was living under silt-fence next to spring fed brook on a newly constructed pipeline right-of-way in northern New Jersey.
Credit: Richard Jordan, Boyle Associates

Wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta)
Nice close-up of a wood turtle found on a mitigation site in Scarborough - note the remnants of orange slugs and the caterpillar leg sticking out from it's formidable beak.
Credit: Richard Jordan, Boyle Associates

Black rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta)
Credit: Dick Boothby
Blue-spotted salamander egg mass
Nice example of blue spotted salamander (Ambystoma laterale) found in a naturalized anthropogenic pool in Hollis, Maine.
Credit: Gary Fullerton, Sebago Technic
Naturalized vernal pool habitat
Historically dug pool functioning as vernal pool habitat in Hollis, Maine.
Credit: Gary Fullerton, Sebago Technics

Ribbon snake (Thamnophis sauritus)
Ribbon snake observed feasting then fleeing a vernal pool in Windham, Maine.
Credit: Stephenie Swiezynski-Jordan, TRC Environmental
"Yellow" Spotted salamander egg masses
Spotted salamander egg masses (Ambystoma maculatum) in Freeport, Maine.
Credit: Gary Fullerton, Sebago Technics
Floodplain vernal pool
Credit: Gary Fullerton, Sebago Technics

Northern water snake
Northern water snake (Nerodia s. sipedon) observed in Raymond Pond in Raymond, Maine.
Credit: Richard Jordan, Boyle Associates
Twelve spotted skimmer
Twelve spotted skimmer (Libellula pulchella) found in a wetland along a small stream in upstate New York. These dragonflies are often found along lakes, ponds, marshes, and slow moving streams.
Credit: Steve Knapp, Kleinschmidt USA

American toad
American toads (Bufo americanus) in amplexus - found in a shallow pool in a abandoned sandpit.
Credit: Laura Lapierre, Normandeau Associates

Wetland restoration site
Taken during a mitigation site inspection of Maine DOT's mitigation for Route. 9 improvements. The project consisted of restoring a former roadbed. . Photo taken two growing seasons after construction.
Credit: Ruth Ladd, ACOE

Northern leopard frog egg mass
Northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens) egg mass from an Aroostook County farm pond.
Credit: Richard Jordan, Boyle Associates

Eastern newt
Credit: Oscar Emerson, Down to Earth Professional Land Services

Northern leopard frog
Northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens) - a Maine-listed Species of Special Concern (due to apparent decline of southern Maine population).
Credit: Richard Jordan, Boyle Associates

Spotted salamander egg masses
Credit: Lee Burman, SW Cole

Blue spotted salamander egg mass
Credit: Richard Jordan, Boyle Associates

Gray tree frog
Gray treefrog (Hyla versicolor).
Credit: Lee Burman, SW Cole

Mitigation inspection
D-netting for critters during a mitigation site inspection at a created vernal pool in Yarmouth, Maine.
Credit: Ruth Ladd, ACOE

Garter snake and wood frog lunch date
Trying to seek relief from the hot morning sunshine I suppose, this wood frog was observed moving backwards into the cool and shady gullet of a garter snake who lives near a vernal pool in Winslow, Maine. Credit: Photo and description by Don Phillips, Phillips Ecoservices

Water moccasin
Water moccasin (Agkistrodon piscivorus) in Taum Sauk Creek, Lesterville, MO.
Credit: Dick Boothby
Wood turtle
Credit: Richard Jordan, Boyle Associates
Caddisfly predation
Caddisfly predation on wood frog egg mass in Brewer, Maine.
Credit: Chet Bigelow, James W. Sewall Company