2025 Norm C. Famous Wetland Research Stipend Announcement

The Maine Association of Wetland Scientists (MAWS) is pleased to announce the 2025 research stipend. In 2018, the MAWS Membership dedicated the stipend award to Norm C. Famous, a longtime member of MAWS, naturalist, wildlife and wetland ecologist, noted ornithologist, and wetland scientist with particular interest in studying peatlands. More can be learned about Norm’s work in the 2018 edition of the Obligate.

A $4,000 wetland research stipend is available to actively enrolled students or student teams for use on a research project relating to Maine wetlands. Depending on the scope and needs of a project, the stipend may be divided among multiple projects. The deadline for the submittal of proposals/abstracts is May 2, 2025.

Refer to the link below for more information and to apply.

Stipend Application

Eagle Hill Institute Wetland and related Seminars for 2023

See below for upcoming seminars at the Eagle Hill Institute.


Eagle Hill Institute’s 2023 Wetland and Related Seminars


Eagle Hill is right on the coast of Eastern Maine, between Acadia National Park and Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge. https://www.eaglehill.us/index.shtml



May 21-27 — Marine Macroalgae: Ecology, Identification, Distribution, and Importance Amanda Savoie


Jul 9 – 15 - Wetland Identification, Delineation, and Ecology *2 Rick Van de Poll and Joseph Homer


Aug 6-12  Submersed and Emergent Aquatic Flowering Plant *1 C. Barre Hellquist


Aug 13-19  EPT Taxa: The Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera as Bio-indicators Steven Burian


For general information, the registration form, seminar flyers, and a complete calendar:



If you have any questions about the content of the seminar, please reach out to the seminar instructor(s), whose contact info can be found on the seminar flyer. If a seminar you are interested in is full, and you would like to be put on the waitlist, please fill out the application form.


If you have any questions about registering for the seminar, please contact us at office@eaglehill.us.

MAWS Research Stipend Announcement

The Maine Association of Wetland Scientists (MAWS) is pleased to announce its 2023 wetland research stipend. One or two wetland research stipends of up to $2,000 total are being offered to graduate and undergraduate students actively enrolled in a degree program related to wetland science. Stipend candidates must be pursuing a wetlands-related research project including but not limited to:

  • Wetland science

  • Vernal pool research

  • Wetland wildlife and associated habitat

  • Wetland soils

  • Marine and estuarine science

  • River, stream, and riparian science

  • Wetland invasive species control/management

  • Wetland-dependent Threatened and Endangered species habitat and management

Applications must be submitted electronically by or on March 15, 2023 (postmark date). Applications must contain:

  1. A summary of research objectives;

  2. A brief description methods;

  3. The significance of the research; and

  4. The purpose(s) for which the stipend will be used. Applications will be evaluated by the MAWS Executive Committee and the stipend(s) will be awarded by the end of the month (March 2023).

To Apply

Norman C. Famous Wetland Research Stipend Winner Presentation

Zoe Read was awarded the Norman C. Famous Wetland Research Stipend for the 2021 field season. Her research sought to better understand the “factors that influence carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from dead woody debris or deadwood in forested wetlands and uplands.”

In past years, stipend winners would present findings of their research to the membership at the annual meeting, but that hasn’t been possible during the pandemic. As an alternative, you can download a presentation from Zoe detailing her research and findings at the link below.

Presentation: Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes from Dead in Forested Wetlands and Uplands

2021 Vernal Pool Reporting

It appears that vernal pool season is upon us in southern Maine. To report vernal pool species movement please comment below.

Please include the following information:

Location (town name or region)

Date of sighting

Species observed (heard, seen, etc.)

Evidence of activity (adults on road, egg masses, spermatophores, etc.)

Note: Once you're out surveying, the MAWS VP Protocol can be downloaded under "Quick Links" on the right side of the webpage.

You can also check the MAWS Facebook Page and the Maine Big Night - Amphibian Migration Monitoring Page for reports.

MAWS Meetings in 2021

Happy New Year!

The MAWS Executive Committee (EC) is looking ahead to 2021 and planning for upcoming meetings and events. In particular, we typically host our annual conference in the late winter/early spring, but due to COVID-19, it looks like a traditional meeting won’t be possible. Due to the uncertainty and time it takes to plan this meeting, it will be held virtually using Zoom. The meeting will be shorter than the typical annual meeting, of course (no one wants an all-day Zoom meeting), probably around 3 hours, and will likely include regulatory updates, interesting wetland-related content, and the business meeting. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, March 24th, so mark your calendars. More details are forthcoming!

In addition, we are planning to offer a few 1-hour webinars throughout the winter on a variety of topics. We are still working out the details of these as well, but hope to provide a few more opportunities so members can obtain contact hours for the various certifications they hold.

 The EC is planning on the annual meeting and any other webinars being free to MAWS members (likely a small fee for non-members). The annual meeting is generally our largest source of income for the year. With that in mind, we are asking for donations to help us defray the cost of a Zoom webinar subscription to host these meetings, as well as supporting all the work that it takes to organize these and future meetings. Any and all donations will be accepted and appreciated, but a Corporate Sponsor donation of $100 will get your company logo mentioned and displayed at the beginning of all virtual events. You can use the “Donate” button below or on the sidebar of the MAWS homepage. We sincerely appreciate your support as we continue to adjust and try new ways of connecting with the organization and support wetland science in Maine.


MAWS 2020 Annual Meeting and Winter Conference CANCELLED

After careful consideration and discussion with the Executive Committee, we have decided to postpone the 2020 winter conference annual meeting. We are sorry for the change, but we feel it is the best and safest decision given the evolving situation with coronavirus. We are hopeful that after a few months, things will have settled, and we may be able reschedule the meeting. We are tentatively looking at July/August as a possible timeframe for the meeting, and we will keep you posted as things develop. But for now, there will be no annual meeting held on 3/19/2020.

If you have already paid for the meeting, we are planning to hold that payment until we are able reschedule. If rescheduling is not possible, we will fully refund your conference attendance fee. If you would like to have your payment refunded immediately, please contact maws.webmaster@gmail.com.

We’re sorry that we have to take this step, but it seems like the most prudent decision for our members, for the organization, and for our families and communities.

Eagle Hill Institute Wetland Seminars for 2020

Announcing Eagle Hill Institute’s wetland seminars in 2020

Eagle Hill is on the coast of eastern Maine between Acadia National Park and Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge. 

Jul 5 - 11 ... Sedges and Rushes: An Ecological Approach ... Jerry Jenkins

Jul 12 - 18 ... Wetland Identification, Delineation and Ecology ... Rick Van de Poll and Joseph Homer

Jul 12 - 18 ... Farmers in the Marsh: An Innovative Approach to Holistic Salt Marsh Restoration ... Susan Adamowicz and David Burdick, and Geoff Wilson

Jul 19 - 25 ... Ericaceous Heaths and the Ericaceae: Understanding Vegetation Patterns ... Paul Manos

Jul 19 - 25 ... Grasses of the Greater Northeast: Identification and Ecology ... Dennis Magee

Aug 2 - 8 ... Potamogetonaceae: Diversity and Ecology of the Pondweeds ... C Barre Hellquist and Eric Hellquist

The following flyer has links to individual wetland seminar flyers.


For general information and a calendar of all seminars, see … https://www.eaglehill.us/programs/nhs/nhs-calendar.shtml

office@eaglehill.us … 207-546-2821 Ext 4

2019 Vernal Pool Reporting

Reports of critters moving to pools are starting to trickle in from southern New England. To report vernal pool species sights and sounds please comment below and include at least the date and town.

Please include the following information:

Location (town name or region)

Date of sighting

Species observed (heard, seen, etc.)

Evidence of activity (adults on road, egg masses, spermatophores, etc.)

Note: Once you're out surveying, the MAWS VP Protocol can be download under "Quick Links" on the right side of the webpage.

Eagle Hill Institute 2019 Wetland Seminars

Announcing Eagle Hill Institute’s wetland seminars in 2019

Eagle Hill is on the coast of eastern Maine between Acadia National Park and Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge. 


Jun 23 – 29 … Sedges and Rushes: Identification and Ecology … Anton Reznicek

Jul 7 – 13 … Grasses: Identification and Ecology … Dennis Magee

Jul 14 – 20 … Wetland Identification, Delineation and Ecology … Matthew Schweisberg and Joseph Homer

Jul 21 – 27 … Ericaceae and Ericaceous Heaths of Maine

Paul Manos

Aug 4 – 10 … Submersed and Floating Aquatic Plants … C Barre Hellquist and Eric Hellquist


The following flyer has links to individual wetland seminar flyers.



For general information and a calendar of all seminars, see … https://www.eaglehill.us/programs/nhs/nhs-calendar.shtml

Vernal Pool Reporting 2018

Reports of critters moving to pools are coming in from across New England, as far north as Portsmouth, NH. To report vernal pool species sights and sounds please comment below and include at least the date and town.

Please include the following information:

Location (town name or region)

Date of sighting

Species observed (heard, seen, etc.)

Evidence of activity (adults on road, egg masses, spermatophores, etc.)

Note: Once you're out surveying, the MAWS VP Protocol can be download under "Quick Links" on the right side of the webpage.

2018 Eagle Hill Institute Seminars on Wetland Ecology and Botany

Announcing Eagle Hill Institute's Seminars on Wetland Ecology and Wetland Botany
Eagle Hill lies right on the coast of Eastern Maine, between Acadia National Park and Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge.

May 27 – Jun 2 … Introduction to Bryophytes and Lichens … Fred Olday
Jun 10 – 16 … Mosses: Structure, Ecology, and Identification … Jerry Jenkins and Susan Williams
Jun 24 – 30 … Sedges and Rushes: Identification and Ecology … Anton Reznicek
Jul 1 – 7 … Grasses: Identification and Ecology … Dennis Magee
Jul 15 – 21 … Wetland Identification, Delineation and Ecology … Matthew Schweisberg and Joseph Homer
Aug 5 – 11 … Sphagnum Mosses and Ecology … Jonathan Shaw
Sep 7 – 9 … Asters and Goldenrods … Jill Weber
Oct 12 – 14 … Bryophytes: Mosses and Liverworts … Fred Olday

The following general flyer has links to individual wetlands seminar flyers ...

For general information and a complete calendar … https://www.eaglehill.us/programs/nhs/nhs-calendar.shtml

office@eaglehill.us … 207-546-2821, ext. 4.

Become a Plant Conservation Volunteer!

Hey MAWS members! The New England Wild Flower Society is seeking enthusiastic people who have a commitment to plant conservation and protecting natural habitats to participate in the Plant Conservation Volunteer (PCV) Program. The PCV Program engages volunteers to collect information on rare plants and their habitats across all six New England states. The majority of the work focuses on rare plant monitoring, but there are also occasional opportunities to assist with invasive species removal, habitat management projects and botanical surveys that benefit rare plants. The Society also offers free field trips and some learning opportunities to PCVs. It’s an excellent opportunity to put your botanical skills to work, learn more about the flora of New England, meet other botanists, and help preserve your state’s natural heritage.

For more information and to apply download the announcement.

Updated Maine State Vernal Pool Assessment Form

The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife recently updated the Maine State Vernal Pool Assessment Form. You can download a copy here:

Maine State Vernal Poll Assessment Form (4/18/2017)

Some notes on the updates to the form from IF&W's wildlife biologist, Phillip deMaynadier:

"There are several minor formatting revisions and only modest changes to data field content. Note that you can always check the version date of the field form you are working with by checking the bottom left hand corner of the form.

Note that all data fields are necessary, and that egg mass and vernal pool photos are now required to accompany all vernal pool form submissions."