2025 MAWS and MAPSS Winter Conference and Annual Meetings
Join us for the Winter Conference and Annual Meeting
Location: Wells Conference Center
131 Munson Road
Orono, ME 04469
When: March 26, 2025
Upcoming Events
Join us for the Winter Conference and Annual Meeting
Location: Wells Conference Center
131 Munson Road
Orono, ME 04469
When: March 26, 2025
More details and agenda to come!
Maine Army National Guard – Hollis Plains Training Site
AM SESSION: 8:30 am to 12:00 pm
PM SESSION: 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Please Join us for a botanical and natural history walk through this ecologically significant property with MAWS member and author, botanist, and wetland scientist Matt Arsenault.
Online Registration in the MAWS “Store”
The Maine Association of Wetland Scientists and the Maine Association of Professional Soil Scientists will host a joint winter conference and their annual business meetings via Zoom. We hope to see you there!
To register visit the MAWS Store
Presenters: Paul Minkin (US Army Corps of Engineers) and Erica Sachs (US Environmental Protection Agency)
Details: This webinar will serve as an introduction and training on the New England Wetland Functional Assessment (NEWFA), a document being drafted by the US Army Corps of Engineers New England District and US Environmental Protection Agency Region 1. The primary authors, Paul Minkin and Erica Sachs, will go over the various aspects of the assessment methods and walk through some of the models. A significant portion of the webinar will be reserved for a question and answer session.
Registration Price: Free for MAWS members, $15 for non-members
9:00 – 9:15 Opening Remarks – Matt Walker, State Conservationist, Maine
9:15 – 9:30 Introduction – Luis Hernandez, Regional Director, Soil and Plant Science Divistion
9:30 – 9:45 Current soil survey office staffing and background/responsibilities. – Nick Butler
9:45 – 10:45 Current soil survey office work projects: Nick Butler/Tony Jenkins
Forest site productivity improvement project:
Utilize USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis data tied to soil map unit components to develop species and productivity data for soil survey.
Improvements in soils-ecological site relationship information.
USFS White Mountain Nation Forest initial soil survey work.
Watershed soil sampling mercury project
Replicate total soil sampling and total elemental analysis including Hg
Focus on soils that we typically don’t have data for (wetlands)
Digital Soil Mapping
Nicholville series data update
Dynamic soil properties work in Maine and Vermont
National Wetland Condition Assessment work with/for EPA
10:45 – 12:00 What can we do to address the needs of soil survey users – we are seriously seeking input: Nick/Tony/Lindsay Hodgma
Known issues:
Hydrologic Soil Group
Solar Farm interpretations
De-constructing/disaggregating multi-component map units and inclusion prediction
Unknown issues:
Let us know!!
Microsoft Teams meeting
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To join the Teams meeting please contact Tony Jenkins for an invite. tony.jenkins@usda.gov
Maine Association of Wetland Scientists
Winter Conference & Annual Meeting
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Via Zoom Webinar
1:00 – 1:10 Welcome, Bryan Emerson, MAWS President
1:10 – 1:25 MDEP Regulatory Update, Nick Livesay, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
1:25 – 1:40 USACE Regulatory Update, Jay Clement, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District
1:40 – 1:55 LUPC Regulatory Update, Stacie Beyer, Maine Land Use Planning Commission
1:55 – 2:10 USFWS Regulatory Update, Patrick Dockens, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
2:10 – 2:20 Break
2:20 – 3:50 “SOLAR PANEL”: Dale Knapp of Boyle Associates will moderate a 1.5-hour panel discussion about the booming solar development in Maine. Panel participants will include:
• Jim Beyer, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
• Sam Boduch, Earthshift Global
• Colin Greenan, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
• Rich Jordan, Flycatcher LLC
• Dave Littell, Bernstein Shur
• Troy Moon, City of Portland, Maine
• Bob Stratton, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
3:50 – 4:00 Break
4:00 – 5:00 Annual Business Meeting
Certificates of Attendance for 3.0 hours of contact time for the conference and 1 hour for the annual business meeting will be sent to all registered attendees via email.
Register online at: http://mainewetlands.org/store/
$15 for active MAWS members
$25 for non-members
Free for Students
For those that prefer, you may register online, and send payment to:
Roger St. Amand, MAWS Treasurer
P.O. Box 76
Bass Harbor, ME 04653
Any questions, please feel free to call or email Matt Kennedy,
MAWS Program Chair, Phone: (978)-578-6801, Email: mkennedy@boyleassociates.net
No Refunds for Cancellations
Thursday, February 11, 2021
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Online Web Conference via Zoom
Go to: www.maws.me/store/gis to register
The Maine Association of Wetland Scientists is hosting an online webinar and roundtable discussing how GPS and GIS technologies can be used to analyze, map and manage wetlands and other natural resources. Our panel of experts includes:
Bill McCloy of Normandeau Associates
Kurt Howard of Stantec
Nicc Johnson of Tetra Tech
Rachel Jordan of TRC
MAPSS is moving forward as planned with the natural resources workshop at Reid State Park. Please review the updated registration information below with specifics about safety practices to limit potential spread of COVID-19.
Maine Association of Wetland Scientists &
Maine Chapter of the Wildlife Society Present an
Ethics Workshop with Irene Grace Garvey
Wednesday, October 30 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Elks Lodge #188, 1945 Congress Street, Portland, ME
Together, the Maine Association of Wetland Scientists (MAWS) and the Maine Chapter of the Wildlife Society (METWS) are organizing an Ethics Workshop at the Elks Lodge in Portland! Professional Facilitator and Certified Mediator Irene Grace Garvey will lead the two-hour workshop. The ethics discussion will span several disciplines including wetland science, soil science, wildlife science, and erosion and sedimentation control. There will be an opportunity before the workshop for participants to submit their own anonymous scenarios for discussion. Before the workshop begins, there will be a chance for networking as coffee, tea, and light snacks will be provided.
Online registration at http://www.maws.me/store/ethics
$25 for MAWS members
$35 for non-MAWS members
1:30 AM – 2:00 PM Networking and Anonymous Submission of Ethics Scenarios
2:00 – 4:00 PM Ethics Workshop
We will provide Certificates of Attendance for workshop attendees for 2 hours of contact time.
MAPSS, MAWS, and MASE and hosting another natural resource workshop at Reid State Park in Georgetown. Below are links to a workshop description, agenda and registration information.
Maine DEP recently released the final version of their identification guide for “rivers, streams, or brooks” under the Natural Resources Protection Act. MAWS has organized a workshop with Tom Danielson (guide author) and Dawn Hallowell of Maine DEP to discuss the regulation and details of the guide.
Prior to the stream presentation, MAWS is offering a networking hour with light breakfast refreshments available.
Hope to see you there!
A two-day, hands-on introduction to stream survey techniques and
concepts associated with developing ecologically sound road/stream crossings.
A two-day, hands-on introduction to stream survey techniques and
concepts associated with developing ecologically sound road/stream crossings.
Potential for trivia after for anyone interested.
Annual Chapter Conference and Field Trip
Conference Theme: Coastal Restoration in the Face of Climate Change
May 4 – 5, 2018
Providence Area, Rhode Island
Join the New England Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists for our Annual Chapter Meeting and Field Trip
On Friday, May 4, there will be a field trip to examine salt marsh restoration through thin layer deposition projects at two National Wildlife Refuges. The attendees will gather at Sachuest Point NWR between 9:30-10:00am, and the program will start at 10:00am, with a presentation followed by a restoration site visit. We will then drive over to the John H. Chafee National Wildlife Refuge for lunch (provided), followed by restoration viewing and discussion. Learn more.
On Saturday, May 5, join us for a full day of conference talks and networking opportunities at Save the Bay Conference Center. The day will include presentations on the previous day’s field trip, living shoreline design, IPCC update on salt marsh response to climate change, salt marsh restoration at Plum Island Ecosystems LTER and more. Additionally, we will have an update from our 2017 student grant winner on the impacts of road salt on the function and structure of forested wetlands. We will also give an update on current SWS activities, at the international and chapter level, and announce the 2018 student grant recipients. View the full schedule.
Interested in attending just the field trip? Contact Kara Miller at kmiller@sws.org to register.
Register online by April 30, 2018. Miss the deadline? Bring a check to register at the meeting. Make sure to email swsnewengland@gmail.com after April 30 to ask about space on the field trip.
E2Tech is offering a discounted registration to our membership.
For more info members should go to www.e2tech.org/expo2017 for the full agenda and the link to register.
For the "MAWS Special Discounted Price" of $75 (the E2Tech Member Price) members should contact, melissawinne@e2tech.org, to register at the special rate.
Download flyer for more information.
The Maine Association of Wetland Scientists (MAWS) is hosting a Wetland Mitigation Workshop at the University of Maine in Orono! You will learn about a larger scale wetlands mitigation project that included two restoration sites and one compensatory mitigation site: why it was required, the site selection and design process, construction, and long-term monitoring including corrective actions. Please join us! (Seating is limited to 25 – please register early / minimum 10 registrations.)
Register online in the MAWS Store.
For more information and to register:
Mark your calendars for the 2017 Maine Invasive Species Network Annual Meeting:
Wednesday, March 22 at Colby College in Waterville_ 8:30am-3:30pm.
Detailed agenda to follow, but is sure to include:
· State of the State speakers covering updates/projects/advances in each of several invasive species groups (aquatic plants, marine species, forest insects, terrestrial plants, agricultural species)
· Update on the Dept. of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Rule-making on terrestrial invasive plants
· Time for networking with colleagues from across the state.
Maws is a group of environmental professionals, scientists and students who work, live and learn in and around the great State of Maine. We gather to discuss changes in the regulatory climate, to offer expertise to on wetland regulations, and to further the appreciation and understanding of Maine wetlands and wetland ecology.
, Augusta, Maine, USA